Summer is the time of the year that most high schoolers and college kids look forward to. I'm no exception. I grew up in a place where it's summer 24/7, so it comes as no surprise that I absolutely adore summer. I love not having to go to school everyday and I love to be free and do pretty much whatever I want, including going to the beach with my friends and celebrating life. Yes, summer is awesome, and I cannot wait for all the amazing vacations and summer concerts that I'm gonna go this summer, like the Rihanna (with Ke$ha) concert, Warped Tour, and Paramore. Also, I turn 18 this summer, which makes it already a summer that I will never forget. Oh summer, I missed you so much. I couldn't wait to get a hold of you, and now you are here again to make my life wonderful. The only bad thing about this summer, is that I'm gonna have to find a job and I will have to go to summer school to make up my grade for Chemistry. OH, and after this wonderful summer, only 8 more months until I'm officially out of hell school and in the real grown-up world.
For the first time in my life, I cannot wait for the future and for the amazing and awesome moments and memories that this summer (and life) will bring me.
For the first time in my life, I cannot wait for the future and for the amazing and awesome moments and memories that this summer (and life) will bring me.