He says he likes you ("a lot"), still he refuses to take things seriously. You used to think that you weren't going to be one of those girls, the clingy type that are extremely insecure about a guy.. but you just can't help it. He makes you insecure. If he likes you so much, then why is it so hard to make things official? You guys already look and sound like a couple.
Your friends think that you shouldn't be setting down with him. He is being a dick, and you've dated enough dicks before to know that they are simply not worth it. But you can't help it.. you like him. Because of this, you start going down in a path of destruction, forgeting about the number one person you should always love: yourself.
But no, not me. Not this time. You've given enough hints, and he is fully aware of what you want. If he hasn't asked you out yet, that can only be one reason: he is just fooling around. "Oh, but I haven't hooked up with anyone ever since we started hanging out"... that doesn't make you suddendly the prince charming that I've always looked for. Because, you see, I'm a girl, and yes, I'm completely into that whole fantasy that us, girls, are obligated to buy into ever since we were little.
I do believe you like me. Really, I do. But apparently not enough to take things to the next level.. which is okay, but I hope you don't get too "mad" or "sad" or whatever, when you realize that it's too late and I'm gone.
(Ps: Guys, here's the "sitch": Girls, can have all of the signs that you like her, still she is constantly waiting for the confirmation. Sure, we are far more superior than y'all in every single way, but, as I said before, most of us are still caught up in that whole fairy tale b.s., so don't think we are dumb. We just expect you to show us that you like us, rather than simply telling us. We need a man that knows what he wants, and sticks to it. The world is already filled with assholes that don't know what they want, so, PLEASE, don't be one of them.)