Slutty Cyrus (like blogger Perez Hilton likes to call her) is one of the biggest sellouts in the showbiz industry ever, and that is exactly what pisses me off about her. You know, as soon as Hanna Montana aired on Disney Chanel, back in 2006, I actually adored her. I thought she was cute, funny, simple, and I actually liked the show. Also, the fact that she was my age, helped me relate to her, and made her seem even more "real" to me. Well, the years passed and she started to become sorta of slut, which really bothered me. Then, the scandals started to appear (and I'm not talking about the Vanity Fair picture, which I honestly see nothing wrong with. I'm talking about her really slutty pictures, like the one above), and that's when I started to really get frustrated with her. There were/are little girls that look up to her. Girlfriend needs to understand that when you are in a hit TV show on Disney Chanel, you can't act like your slutty self because little girls watch that and when they see pictures of you almost naked or on your underwear, they start to think "Oh, if Miley is a slut, then maybe I should be one too."
Also, something that really bothers me about her is the fact that she is a sell out. Girlfriend recently appeared on Ryan Seacrest's radio show and said that she doesn't listen to any pop music. Huh, what is your music then, hon? Your own music is pure pop, so how can you not listen to pop music? You are such a sellout. Honestly, you disgust me.
Ps.: Sorry about the post if you are a Miley fan or whatever, but I've been dying to say something about her behavior. Honestly, girlfriend needs to start acting her age. I'm a few months older than her and I don't act that way, so why should she? Anyways, sorry again for the two posts in a row and I apologize if you actually like her. No, seriously. In a way a few a little bad for you. Go listen to a real person. I'll burn you a CD with good music if it's necessary! :)
Also, something that really bothers me about her is the fact that she is a sell out. Girlfriend recently appeared on Ryan Seacrest's radio show and said that she doesn't listen to any pop music. Huh, what is your music then, hon? Your own music is pure pop, so how can you not listen to pop music? You are such a sellout. Honestly, you disgust me.
Ps.: Sorry about the post if you are a Miley fan or whatever, but I've been dying to say something about her behavior. Honestly, girlfriend needs to start acting her age. I'm a few months older than her and I don't act that way, so why should she? Anyways, sorry again for the two posts in a row and I apologize if you actually like her. No, seriously. In a way a few a little bad for you. Go listen to a real person. I'll burn you a CD with good music if it's necessary! :)