There are a lot of things that comes from being a.. well.. female, and, unfortunately, most of them are not always great. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love being a girl and I love the fact that one day we will rule the world, but once a month I think about all the bad things that are related to being a woman, and then I wish, for one millisecond, that I was a boy, because "If I were a boy..."
- At the end of the day, we are the ones who wear the pants in any relationship (and by that I mean that if we say no, you can't get into our pants. Unless the girl gets raped, but that's too extreme and not my point.)
- Girls have the freedom of expressing their feelings without being called wimps.
- We are Daddy's girls and if you hurt us, our dads will kill you.
- Girls can get in for free in some nightclubs (or pay a really cheap price for admission), while guys pay at least twice the actual price.
- Girls also don't have to spend money on drinks! We have guys to do that for us ;)
- Girls are objectified. If they are not skinny like those anorexic models, then they are "fat."
- There are places in the world that don't appreciate women. Women in those places are often abused (sexually and emotionally) and, unfortunately, do not have a voice.
- Apparently when you go to the market in Brazil you gotta be 21 to buy alcohol, but guys can buy it when they are 18 (Yes, that has happened to me before and let me tell you, I was pretty damn pissed about that!)
- Girls, most of the time, are born catty and fake. We are constantly in a competition with our friends, no matter for what.
- We have to spend money on tampons and pads once a month, and those things are actually pretty expensive! (Oh, and we bleed.)
- Bras are also very expensive.
- We have to suffer with morning sickness and a lot of other things for 9 months, and then we get to pop someone out of our bodies. WTH? Oh yeah, and afterward we get stretchmarks for the rest of our lives! Pretty cool, uh?!
- We give up way more things than guys would (I mean, have you ever watched "16 & Pregnant"?!)
- If a guy hooks up with a bunch of girls, he is awesome or whatever. If a girl hooks up with a bunch of guys, she is a slut.
- Guys, most of the time, only wants us for our body.
Wow. Up until now, I didn't actually realize how suck-y our lives are. I mean, I'd still rather be a girl than a boy, but.. Damn. The are definitely more cons than pros. I still believe, however, that one day we will rule the world. Seriously! It's all written in the stars. Just look at Hilary Clinton, and Dilma (Horrible example, I know, but hey! At least she is a woman.. I think.) The time for us to be recognized is finally coming.
Women of the World: REUNITE!
(PS: If any guy reads this, now you know how much our lives suck. So, please, do us all a favor and be nice to us when we are cranky, and don't choose your video-game over us, because, you know, when you are sad and want a kiss or maybe something else, we are the ones who will be there for you. Not Call of Duty IV, or whatever the name is!)