"Another year over, but we still together". With every new year, comes a chance for us to renovate and become whoever we want to be. That what I love most about new year's. This year, to start it up right, I (finally) changed the blog's layout, and also created my side project (Mi Chiamo Moda). And I know, I know. People are supposed to post their resolutions and what not before the year starts, but I was traveling. Anyway, let's get to the good part.
A Little Message For You, 2011:
2011, I thought we had an agreement. You would take things slowly, and I would enjoy the moment. You broke your part of the agreement, but I didn't break mine. 2011 really was a great year for me. So many things changed for me, and even I, as a person, changed too. Started the year in Brazil with my family and friends (so I guess you could say that I started it with BANG!), and then later, in March/April, went to Italy with my italian class. That was, indeed, a trip and I will never forget all the memories shared and the friends I made (ma come mi manchiii!!!). Graduated High School (even when I thought that was impossible), went to Brazil again, and then decided to not go to Arizona State University (the reasons behind my decision would be too long to fit here, so I'll save that to some other time). Came back to Brazil, where I met amazing people that I want to cherish for as long as I can. Went to Rock in Rio (YES!). Some people got it my life, while others left. I grew as a person and learned to not take things for granted (how cliche of me, I know). Friendships were tested, and feelings started to "blossom." But even with its ups and downs, 2011 was a great year. One of the bests so far.
The year has barely started and you are already proving that you will be good. I have so much to look forward this year, and I'm really hoping you won't disappoint me. Starting the year in Disneyland ("the happiest place on Earth") already made you special, and I hope all the magic from that place can be transferred to you, 2012, throughout the year. Vegas, Hawaii, Los Angeles, Tahoe, carnival, trips with friends, trips with the boyfriend, college,... I had such an amazing year last year, that I don't even know what to ask of you. I guess I could ask you the same thing that I asked of 2011: take things slowly. Take your time, that I'll be sure to take mine. Let's see if you'll be as good as 2011 was. Oh, and please, try to not end on December 21st.
The goals:
I'm proud to announce that I was able to achieve at least 3 of my least year's goals. I did become healthier (although I did not lose the weight I wanted), I did get more than a 23 on the ACT, and I sure was happy. Now, let's see if I can accomplish this year's goals...
- Keep on being healthy
- Get into PUC
- Start working (preferably with things you love)
- Post more often on the blogs
- Stop being so spoiled and start making things for your own. BE INDEPENDENT
- Stop saying "better late than never." Just do it.
- Be Happy!
C'mon 2012, this is it.
Make me proud!